In the liturgy for the Third Sunday of Advent, we hear the words of the Prophet Isaiah:
Strengthen the hands that are feeble,
Make firm the knees that are weak,
Say to those whose hearts are frightened:
Be strong, fear not!
Maybe it is our hands and knees and hearts that need to be strengthened. Maybe it is a friend or neighbor or family member. A small kindness can help. Most of us are not called to do huge things, but God can use small things to make a great difference.
This year I had the privilege of bringing Communion to a friend in hospice. She was so happy to receive Jesus. I was able to tell her, “This is a very special Holy Communion. It is called Viaticum. It comes with Jesus’ special promise that he will be with you every minute until he calls you home.
Most of us do not know which Holy Communion will be our Viaticum. Take a minute after receiving Jesus to thank him for his promise to be with us and to ask him to open our eyes to opportunities to do a kindness here or there.