This Ash Wednesday as you receive your ashes, the church will great you with “Repent, and believe in the Gospel” or “Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return”. Take a few quiet minutes to let these words sink in and reflect on how open is your Heart to receive these words. Lent is an opportunity to see and hear with new eyes and new ears.
Sit with your Bible and open to the Ash Wednesday readings. In Joel 2:12-18 we read, “The Lord says return to me with your whole heart.” In the recesses of my heart, what is holding me back from loving others with my whole heart? This is the time to clean out the cobwebs of our hearts.
In Lent we are urged to give alms, pray, and fast. Here are some suggestions for each of these.
In the gospel we are told to give humbly to the needy. Such giving is not only monetary, but also our time and talents. Sacred Scripture says: “Look up” and see the face of Jesus in our world who suffer from hunger, homelessness, racism, wars and violence. Then look at those in my neighborhood and those who are suffering in our cities and towns.
Take time to remember family members, friends, your enemies, leaders of the world. Hold them to your heart as God holds us.
Fast from curt words to others, anger, unwillingness to forgive, condemning others, complaining, etc. Our hearts have to be open to love more. Ask God to free our hearts from all that keeps us from extending hospitality to one another and to those in need at home and throughout our world.
LOVE CHANGES EVERYTHING (From the musical, aspects of LOVE).
Love changes everything: hands and faces, earth and sky.
Love changes everything: how you live and how you die.
Love changes everything…nothing in the world will ever be the same.
We are God’s people embracing what IS- what could BE-what we could BE TOGETHER.
May our own healing hearts be a healing toward others.