Give thanks unto God for the grace He has provided for us,
even when we don’t believe.
Every morning He has awakened us,
give thanks for His grace.
Each day we experience challenges, whether the same or new,
give thanks for His grace.
For personalities that are like ours, or not,
give thanks for His grace.
The hurt and pain we experience through our circumstances,
give thanks for His grace.
The sufferings we endure in our mind and body,
give thanks for His grace.
The choices we or others have chosen that cause pain or even death,
give thanks for His grace.
You Lord have given us the grace to repent and to forgive,
We give thanks for Your grace.
To be able to serve and meet the needs of the unlovable,
give thanks for His grace.
To accept what is difficult and still be content,
give thanks for His grace.
To smile when there seems to be nothing to smile about,
give thanks for His grace.
To speak encouragement even when it isn’t given,
give thanks for His grace.
Because of this day we have been given the grace to do all things
in You, through You and for You.
Therefore we give thanks for Your grace.
-Noreen Douglas is the housekeeper for the Mission Helpers.