Please raise your hand right now if you are absolutely certain that you never forget any detail – of anything, or at least important things. It appears in today’s first reading from Exodus that God takes for granted that we all need an occasional reminder, and God graciously obliges by reviewing the commandments given to us some time ago.
Occasionally when I’m praying, I wonder if God gets tired of my reminders of our needs and concerns – but it’s actually I, the petitioner, who tires
of repeating myself, like a toddler begging, “Please, please, please…” Nobody anywhere loves us and wants to do and give more for us than God! No nagging needed – but, interestingly, that account in Exodus mentions that God created the world in six days “but on the seventh day God rested.” Why? Did God get tired? Or did God want to set an example for us because God knew we would get tired and need to take a break, or we lose track of some details and need to mentally hit “refresh”?
God is very considerate of our needs and aware of how to help – we don’t even have to ask for a reminder. People who are new to dealing with people who have dementia find it aggravating or puzzling that they ask the same questions repeatedly – but they really cannot retain what they were just told, yet they want the information they have just asked for – perhaps for the umpteenth time. The trick for us who have the answers is to switch off our self-criticism, and just repeat and repeat the same simple answer until it clicks into place for the questioner. Often, then, the person will realize and say, “I just asked you that, didn’t I?” Then our next move is to smile and say, “Yep, you did” without any overtone of “You dope! Why don’t you listen?” Try to remember (ahem) that sometime eventually you yourself may need some help with forgotten details! When that happens, be like God: patient, and smiling. God will not forget your kindness